Four reasons why summer is a perfect season to start exercising

16:38 Melka 0 Comments

As obvious as it may sound, some of us still seem to need a short reminder of why summer is the best time of the year to start a fitness routine.

1. You will naturally have more energy

My sport idol Rafa Nadal once said "Sun is energy" and he was so right - the moment some warmth of sunshine touches our skin, we tend to immediately crave some outdoors activities, and that's when we should understand the gift of our natural ability to feed off this powerful resource. No matter your fitness level or goal, you are going to achieve better results. If there are some of you thinking right now...I actually feel very sluggish on a hot day... it's not the sun, it's the situation you are unfortunate to find yourself in...snap out of it quickly by distraction, like an  "all out" run, or chasing after seagulls...

2. Days are longer

I know this may not be the favourite for the spontaneous types but if you want to get anything done in life, it takes some planning. Guess what though.... summer means we have a day extended to some ridiculous measures, you have any time from 5am up until 10pm to squeeze your exercise- again, trust me it won't be a pain or chore...that rejuvenating run or cycle after work hours. Do it.

3. You will be more creative with your workouts

With sunshine, and more fresh air in our lungs we become more active mentally as well as physically. Make the most of  this fantastic opportunity of higher brain alertness to create sets of exercises that you enjoy doing, discover new routes for your endurance training or... find courage to try a completely new activity. Military training challenge anyone?

4. You are more likely to develop good habits you will stick with throughout winter

This is by far the most important reason out of  the lot because it creates positive changes to your whole life for the future. Just imagine yourself getting excited about a sports' packed weekend instead of a sofa slouching in front of TV with soul draining soaps on. Don't do this to yourself, you are born to do much more. There are many of you that are still not motivated enough, thinking, "when summer sunshine is gone, what is going to give me my energy?" My answer is...YOUR RESULTS AND EFFECTS OF YOUR SUMMER TRAINING...and believe will notice them in your body and mind, just put some heart to it.

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